Sunday, December 16, 2012

My prince of peace!

It might be a little confusing why I entitled this blog my prince of peace, but it'll make sense in the end. :) So lets start out with the scripture I was thinking about. 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 "Give thanks in call circumstances" When I read this the first time I just read it how it say give thanks in all circumstances but I never really thought out what it means to give thanks in ALL circumstances. I mean we hear all the time Oh I will Praise you in this storm..Run to Jesus when things get hard blah blah blah but it isn't often when we thank Jesus for our hard times..or for that matter in our good times. I was faced with a situation today where my stomache just went in knots and I was like honestly "Jesus give me peace PLEASE" and I promise you instantly his peace washed over me and this scripture came to mind. And It was so cool for me to pray and prayer and it instantly just happened. I was so thankful and you say of course you were thankful but in that moment I wasn't thankful that he put a peace on my spirit but I was thankful for being uncomfortable. Because I think I forget too many times to lean on Jesus for my strength. I think I can walk into an uncomfortable situation by myself with no help needed. And tonight proved to me I can't I am weak and I needed to be humbled. It was so great. But the reason I entitled this prince of peace is I feel like the last week or so something has been uneasy about me. I haven't felt myself or almost I haven't felt safe which is weird I know. But I realized it was all Jesus preparing my heart to need his peace. And in my circumstance of having an uneasy feeling all week, I am thankful. I just love Jesus. I feel like everything I write about it God's sovergeinty, and it is. I know it is hard to say oh my favorite quality of God is this or that. But knowing Jesus is in control of my life and I have no will probably really is my favorite quailty bc I know how bad I would mess my life up. I just can't help but fall even more in love with Jesus when I think of that. So thats all :)

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