Sunday, November 18, 2012

A nugget of unfortunate truth.

Ok, I was thinking this weekend. I think every guy KNOWS how to treat a girl right. I mean think about it, it is posted ALL over facebook, twitter, pinterest and whatever other social media site. How can a guy posbbily not know how to treat a girl? Got me thinking. It isn't that they don't know how to it is that they don't desire to treat a girl right. Because they look at that girl and say (subconsiously) "I don't think she is the one worth settling down for." Which takes me back to Proverbs 19:22 but also takes me back to praying and waiting. Ladies if the guy doesn't treat you like you are truly a gift given by God the first week you guys are talking/dating chances are it is only going to get worse because at the begining of the relationship he is still trying to impress you. He is not yet comfortable around you. So if he doesn't treat you like a princess the odds are that he doesn't think you are worth wimping into shape for. There is a saying in order to attract a prince you have to act like a princess I think that is very true. Hold out for the guy that walks into your life and treats you like nobody else has ever treated you. Hold out for the guy that doesn't try to suedece you but tries to be friend you, the one that pursues to get to know you. Those are the ones worth waiting for!

Now ladies we also have to take into consideration there will be guys that know and desire to treat girls right no matter who they are. Regardless of whether or not they believe you are the one or not. We also need to be aware of those because sometimes they are wolves in sheeps clothing. It seems like they are pursuring you but really they are suedcing you with their charm. Guys are so tricky sometimes which is why i rely on prayer and God's timing! "Above all else guard your heart" Proverbs 4:23! <3

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